Berlin Insurtech INZMO Launches AI-Powered Legal Chatbot to Support Tenants and Landlords 
Berlin Insurtech INZMO Launches AI-Powered Legal Chatbot to Support Tenants and Landlords 
INZMO, the leading Berlin insurtech serving the European rental industry, has today launched RentalBot, an AI-powered legal chatbot aimed at helping tenants and landlords in Germany's strained rental market get easy access to tailored legal information and support.

With nearly half of Germany’s population living in rented accommodation, legal issues relating to tenancy are one of the most common areas requiring legal support in the country.

Tenants and landlords frequently turn to professional legal counsel to navigate the wide range of issues related to housing and tenant protection laws and regulations, in order to effectively manage disputes and safeguard their rights. 

While RentalBot offers valuable expert assistance and insights on common issues, it does not replace personalized advice from a human lawyer or legal representation in court proceedings. Currently, the chatbot cannot generate document templates but can provide advice on their structure and content.

RentalBot is now available on the INZMO website for both tenants and landlords on a pay-per-consult basis, meaning users only pay when they need assistance. The service is offered at an introductory rate of €4.99 for 24-hour access. Starting on June 19, 2024, the cost will be €9.99 for 24-hour access, with a monthly subscription model planned for future release.

Commenting on the launch, Reelika Ein, Chief Product and Experience Officer at INZMO, said: Tenants and landlords are having to grapple with the complexities of the country’s intricate and stringent housing laws and are often forced to seek out professional legal advice which comes at a cost. INZMO has identified a clear need in the market to help both tenants and landlords get urgent, informed and affordable responses on common rental issues and disputes.” 

Developed in partnership with legal technology company ChatLegal, the AI powered legal assistant, INZMO’s RentalBot has been extensively trained and tested on German rental laws and real-world court cases to ensure its information and guidance is relevant and robust. 

RentalBot uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand user queries, analyse relevant legal information and provide clear guidance on rental laws and common disputes. It can assist users with issues such as: rental increases and pricing, evictions, deposit disputes, maintenance and repair issues, and lease terms and contractual obligations.

RentalBot breaks down complex legal terminology to provide practical, easy-to-understand information to tenants and landlords at any time, and from any device. The 24/7 service is currently available in English and German.

Reelika Ein adds: “The current economic environment, with rising interest rates and increased costs, is putting a strain on the rental market and we expect a continued rise in the need for legal support. By working with ChatLegal to train an AI-powered chatbot specifically on German rental laws and common legal issues, we can offer users a simple, fast and affordable way to access the information and guidance they need, 24/7, before issues potentially escalate and require more comprehensive legal support.”

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